Thursday, September 29, 2005

20Something 9-28-05 (Scot Pankey)

The gift of Receiving

Question for group – What kind of things make holes in our hearts so we can’t accept God’s love for us? Allow for Discussion about past hurts.

Say: These things all play a part. It goes deeper, though. Research tells us that most of our ability to just be and receive love is formed by the time we’re just 1 or 2 years old. And a lot of it comes from our first and primary relationships – our parents.

What kind of things can a baby learn from its relationship with its parents? What does a baby learn when the parent holds, kisses, feeds, and cares for the baby?

All these things develop our sense of being – our sense of well-being and security that helps us receive and accept love.

What is the opposite of being? Doing! Many people who don’t have a strong sense of being live life trying to do things to earn people’s love, rather than being able to simply receive love.

Is it hard for you to receive love? Why?

Remember the story of Jesus visiting Mary and Martha for dinner? Have group read Luke 10:38-41

38As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. 39She had a sister, Mary, who sat before Jesus, hanging on every word he said. 40But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. "Jesus, don't you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand." 41Then Jesus said, "Martha, dear Martha, you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing.

Martha ran around trying to do things to earn Jesus’ approval and love, while Mary was able to just sit and be with Jesus. Martha’s cup probably had a lot more holes in it than Mary’s did.

Do you consider yourself a Mary or Martha?

At the end of the story, Jesus tells the sisters that Mary had chosen the better way – that is, sitting with him, conversing with him…not running around in the kitchen. Jesus tells us the same thing, too. It’s better for us to learn to sit and BE with Jesus rather than trying to earn God’s love.

Does our culture encourage us to be still and…BE?

Because our culture says it’s isn’t cool to just be…we have to DO all the time. We’re often to busy to have relationships. We get so busy that we take little time to be still and listen to God. God has lots to say to us, but we often just can’t sit still and listen.

Our ability to receive God’s love is often blocked because we make ourselves so busy or we invite things in our life that blocks us from hearing God.

What are some things that block us from hearing God?

Think about your ability to receive love as if it were a styrofoam cup holding water. What does your cup look like?

Cup with no holes – Full of God’s love.

Cup with a few holes – They receive God’s love and other people’s love at times, but it
doesn’t last.

Cup with plastic on top – They feel like things in their busy life or other things get in the
Way of them receiving God’s love or anyone else’s.

Cup with no bottom – They feel like they have no capacity to hold love at all.

Is it harder for you to do something for God or to simply be with God?
What things do you feel you received sufficiently when you were very young?
What things do you think were missing?
How can we pray for you?

Have group spread out in the room and spend time just listening to God speak to them.

Bring them back together to pray and dismiss.


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